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Buy a Wellness Card deck for your favorite school or nonprofit!
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tl;dr: Nonprofit employees and educators struggle to make the time for their own well-being, but they’re superstars at helping others. Two Baltimoreans, Ty and Susan, founded Nonprofit Wellness to support staff at schools and nonprofits in developing individual resilience and team-care culture.
Our Co-Founders:
Ty spent 30 years in schools, while Susan spent 30 years at nonprofits. Both saw too many of their colleagues — idealistic, intelligent people committed to changing the world — suffer a decline in physical and mental health, often burning out and ultimately leaving their jobs.
When Dr. Tyecia “Ty” Powell got into teaching, she didn’t realize how much she’d absorb her students’ trauma and relive her own. Despite her investment in a master’s degree, the stress and the happy hour culture drove her out of teaching and into yoga, Pilates, and managing a fitness studio. Today, she's on the founding team at Sojourner Truth Public Charter School, and recently defended her dissertation entitled "Whole Leaders, Whole Schools: Increasing School Leaders' Emotional Intelligence Through Mindfulness".
Susan is now Professor Comfort at American University, but before teaching about stress she was immersed in the stress of the nonprofit fundraising hamster wheel. She raised $30+ million for small organizations over the years, all while dealing with personal stressors related to bearing and breastfeeding two children, being a (queer) working parent, and going through a divorce. Susan studied organizational development at Georgetown, then developed a survey to assess stress at nonprofits, then a pilot program to address it at 12 nonprofits over six months. That was the impetus to launch Nonprofit Wellness with Ty.
While directing Playworks DC, Susan receives the Pentagon's “Spiritual Fitness Award” for developing a Brain Breaks lunchtime talk for U.S. Department of Defense civilian staff. This same year, Ty serves as an instructional coach and athletic director at DCPS's West Education Campus, which Playworks was serving, however Susan and Ty don't (yet) meet.
Ty takes a sabbatical from education, becomes certified in Pilates, and starts directing a yoga studio. Susan watches with the rest of the world as the U.S. election yields alarming results for the nonprofit sector.
Stress accumulated greatly after the election, and school stress accumulated with new shooting and lockdown drills. Susan fields a Nonprofit Burnout Survey in December, attracting 240 responses from over 100 groups across the country. These responses inspired the Pilot project in 2018.
Susan begins 8-month Georgetown certificate program on Organizational Development, using the survey responses to design a Nonprofit Pilot that evaluates self-care and team-care wellness interventions at 12 groups in DC. Susan is the only American invited to lead trainings at a TechSoup Europe conference in Romania. This is also the big year that Susan finally meets Ty (whose studio contributed classes to the Pilot).
Ty begins her doctoral dissertation and helps adapt Susan’s Personal Stress Prescription and Stressor Scorecard tools for an educator audience. A grant supports publishing the “Wellness Equity Report” on the Nonprofit Pilot (See the Research tab)
The year happened to begin with weekly webinars to build a YouTube channel, so when the pandemic hit, Susan and Ty were already experienced with online trainings. They expanded Zoom offerings with a growing team of diverse trainers and team-building wellness experiences. In the midst of pandemic, we published our report -- See the Pilot results! -- and Nonprofit Wellness was chosen for a CityBridge Education program.
Nonprofit Wellness completes the CityBridge "Innovators in Equity" program with a business plan to become a 501(c)3 and serve more schools and nonprofits. The 501c3 is approved, officially, by the end of the year.
Ty and Susan continue to mentor GWU students who are pursuing their Masters of Public Health degree, in official "practicum" internship programs. By 2022, Nonprofit Wellness has served as Preceptor to more than 12 MPH students.
The nonprofit board of Nonprofit Wellness thanks its founding chair, Terri Shuck, welcomes new chair Daniel Medina, and welcomes former GWU interns Diana Aguilera and Meghin Brooks as board members. We bring on new clients, like Co.act Detroit and Schott Foundation for Public Education.
Ty earns her doctorate in Education with her dissertation, "Whole Leaders, Whole Schools: Increasing School Leaders' Emotional Intelligence Through Mindfulness" and continues her leadership at Sojourner Truth School (middle/high Montessori public charter in D.C.). Susan becomes an adjunct faculty member at American University, teaching "Strategies for Stress Management" to undergrads. Nonprofit Wellness supervises its 5th through 7th cohorts of MPH practicum interns from the GWU Milken Institute.
Who Dat: Co-founder, Nonprofit Wellness. Susan has 30 years of nonprofit and advocacy experience, which brought a lot of stress. She's a bisexual/bilingual/bicyclist from Baltimore.
Graduate of: UNC-Chapel Hill (Go Heels!), also Willow Street 400-hr Yoga Teacher Training
Fave hobby: creating alternative sidewalks
Fave dancing: Salsa, 5 Rhythms
Fave job: Bo Brooks crab house server
Fave mental health boost: Learning K-pop dances via YouTube w/ daughter
Fave exercise: Walking, preferably near water
Fave veggie: anything roasted
Fave 80s Icons: Michael, Janet, Prince, Madonna
Fave city: Bal'mer, hon
Four Tendencies Type: Obliger
Follow @professorcomforts (IG)
Who Dat: Co-founder, 25-year education veteran, earned Doctorate in Education, passionate about wellness for school leaders
Fave veggie: broccoli
Fave dog: Bruce
Fave mental health boost: yoga class-- practice heals my mind and my body
Fave kid-show character: Josh from Blues Clues
Fave way to help people face limits: squats, the hot room, planks, yoga poses
Fave book: (impossible; too many!)
Fave school: Sojourner Truth Montessori PCS
Fave quotes: "Waves Will Come. Ride Them." "Show Love & Sow Love"
Four Tendencies Type: Questioner
Follow @tyeciapowell (IG)
Who Dat Civil (water) engineer from Bogota, Colombia; Paraclimber, passionate about environmental restoration, regenerative agriculture, and climate change.
Fave school: Cornell University
Fave dancing: Cumbia
Fave faraway place: Tibet
Fave nature spot: Rocky Mountain National Park
Fave mental health boost: Transcendental meditation
Fave exercise: Yoga, mountain climbing
Fave veggie: Mashed sweet potatoes w/ maple syrup, cardamom, a splash of bourbon (almost no longer a veggie).
Fave fruit: Mangosteen
Fave charity activity: Playing the congas at Jammin4Water benefit (pic).
Fave quote: “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” -- Mary OIiver, The Summer Day
Susan Comfort led an "E.D. Chat" with our top Team-care tools, answering questions with hundreds of Executive Director TechSoup members (10/26/21, 40 min). These tools are available for free on the "resources" tab, above.
7009 Aspen Avenue, Takoma Park, Maryland 20912, United States
When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
-- Wendell Berry
Take a look at our resources, download our Pilot report, and maybe mix and match a series of trainings from the "Services" page. What does YOUR team need for team-care?
Contact to schedule an interactive, online session (in person in the DMV area).
stressor & resilience scorecard
this is a too that spurs DEIB conversations through the lens of wellness. What is identity, anyway? What are circumstances affecting us and our constituents? What is the stress and growth we experience? Discuss amongst yourselves.
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